

Home Loans from Ezeeloans : Owning your Dream House is made easy now with ezeeloans. Buying a Home is a life time decision. Many feel settled in life only when they have their own home. It gives a special satisfaction staying in own home. But how many can afford a own home. It requires Planning, Research and Lots of Money.

Now you need not worry, Ezeeloans will help you in finding an ideal home that fits in your budget and also help in arranging loans from banks at attractive rate of Interest. Our team of experts will guide you through out the entire process of buying of your dream House /Plot.

Home Loan is offered to Individuals for Purchase of Independent House, Apartment (Flat), Purchase of Site, Self Construction of House, Home Improvement or Renovation or Home Extention by adding extra space, Balance Transfer of Home Loan in any other approved Bank or NBFC.

Home Loans in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Other Cities. You Just select your house and leave the Loan process to the professionals at Ezeeloans. The experienced team at Ezeeloans will guide you in the entire loan process and helps you in getting your home loan apporved very fast at a reasonable interest rates.

Home Loans are offered to Salaried and Self Employed Individuals. Eligibilty is based on ones Salary or Income from Business or Profession. Home Loans are also arranged for NRI’s.

Ezeeloans will also assist individuals having Cash Salaries, Low Credit Score in getting Home Loans.

Loan amount Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 50 Crores, Minimum Tenure is 6 Months and Maximum can go upto 360 months. Rate of Interest is from 6.7 % onwards Per annum, and a Processing Fee of 0.25% to 1% of Loan amount.

Now owning a house is as easy as contacting ezeeloans

Ezeeloans Easiest way of getting Loans.

Apply for Home Loan Here.